Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles is the 2006 animated sequel to the 1985 Robotech television series. It was released on DVD on February 6, 2007.
Directed by
Tommy Yune
Frank Agrama
Story by
Thomas J. Bateman
Steve Yun
13 years after the conquest of Earth by the Invid in the wake of the Second Robotech War, and after several interim attempts at relief that ended in failure, the combined fleet of the Robotech Expeditionary Force (REF) arrives in 2044 for a final showdown aimed at reclaiming the Earth. The events of the first half of The Shadow Chronicles tell the tale of this battle, overlapping with the events of the last episodes of the original Robotech series, 84 (Dark Finale) and 85 (Symphony of Light) but depicting the showdown from the vantage point of space rather than concentrating on the activities of the Earth-based resistance and REF ground forces.From this vantage point, fans will recognize some familiar scenes, but details are added. The energy weapons of REF warships are shown to be synchro-cannons similar to the one showcased in Episode 83 (Reflex Point). The synchro-cannons, Protoculture-cloaking "shadow devices" used by the REF mecha, and untested doomsday Neutron-S missiles are all also revealed to have been gifted to the REF by the Haydonites, a race encountered by the Expeditionary Force during the events that have transpired on the other side of the galaxy in the time since it first departed Earth decades earlier. We also meet Marcus Rush, brother of Scott Bernard's fiancee Marlene who died in the Mars Division offensive, and Maia Sterling, the "other sister of Max and Mirya" who years earlier greeted her sister Dana in a Protoculture induced vision seen in Episode 60 (Catastrophe) and now serves as Commander of the famous Skull Squadron.
Robotech The Shadow Chronicles - Bataille pour... by tigreblanc45
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